This page provides links to sources of information that are primarily designed for patients and their relatives although many will also be useful to senior school pupils and some professionals. The information includes comprehensive A-Z directories of summarised information for numerous genetic conditions (including local contact details) as well as educational leaflets that can be downloaded and printed.
This page provides links to sources of information that are primarily designed for patients and their relatives although many will also be useful to senior school pupils and some professionals. The information includes comprehensive A-Z directories of summarised information for numerous genetic conditions (including local contact details) as well as educational leaflets that can be downloaded and printed.
COVID-19 Links for
Patients & their Families
A new web page with links to many sources of support & information about coronavirus, including explanations of the science. The web page also includes links to the UK NHS, US guidelines, patient organisations, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the World Health Organisation.
EuroGentestA series of leaflets providing general information for patients and families about genetics and genetic testing.
ContactA UK charity supporting families, providing an A-Z directory of many genetic conditions and full contact details of support groups.
OrphanetA consortium of 40 countries, providing summarised info on rare diseases & patient organisations (with contact details in many countries, especially in Europe). Provided in MULTIPLE LANGUAGES.
Antenatal Results & ChoicesThis organisation offers non-directive information & support to parents, before, during & after antenatal screening.
Inherited cancersInformation on genetic conditions and inherited cancers, provided by Macmillan. It includes information relating to the causes, the risk factors and the possible consequences of test results.
Genetic AllianceThis UK charity provides information for patients, families and other individuals who may be interested in genetic conditions.
Clinical genetics leafletsSource of many leaflets on clinical genetic conditions and genetic testing, from ScotGEN and the South-East Scotland Genetic Service.
Understanding genetic disordersAnimations explaining different types of inheritance patterns e.g. autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, consanguinity (cousin marriages), X-linked recessive and chromosomal rearrangements. Produced by National Centre for Medical Genetics and compiled by Univ. College Dublin. The explanations are provided in MULTIPLE LANGUAGES.
Please note that the EuroGentest, Orphanet, Understanding genetic disorders and EURORDIS websites (above) are provided in multiple languages.
Other resources:
Scottish Genetics Education Network
Scottish Genomes Partnership (SGP)
Office for Rare Conditions Glasgow
GenomicsEngland: Understanding Genomics
National Organization for Rare Disorders (breast & ovarian cancer)
GARD (Genetics And Rare Diseases information centre)
American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy: How gene therapy works for specific conditions
Vietnamese Organization for Rare Diseases
Understanding Genetic Disorders: How DNA Influences Health
Genomic Medicine: Harnessing the Power of the Human Genome
Cancer in the 21st Century: the Genomic Revolution
Genomic Technologies in Clinical Diagnostics: Next Generation Sequencing
The Genomics Era: the Future of Genetics in Medicine
Genomic Medicine: Transforming Patient Care in Diabetes